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Victor Ung



What's your biggest fear?

The future man! Either 2012 is gonna happen, or robots are gonna take over. Or else the whole world's gonna nuke each other or we all die from an incurable disease or aliens invade. (I've been watching too many movies...) But other than that, I'm excited to use future technologies!

What is your most embarrassing moment?

I can't really pick one that is the MOST embarrassing. I try to avoid those situations. But I've had a lot of those small moments; too many to count.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

I've always wanted to live in my country of origin, which is China. I was born here in America, so I think it would be a lot of fun to live in China and relearn Chinese, while also immersing myself in its culture.

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

I heard someone in Trio Sites class say they wanted to make sushi and put watermelons and fried chicken...Yeah, good luck with that....

What sea animal would you want to be?

Just YouTube Killer Whale...they're BEAST! But this background picture doesn't help :/


